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Illinois Crime Victim Compensation Program


100 West Randolph Street
13th Floor
Chicago, IL 60601

(800) 228-3368



State program that provides reimbursement for expenses incurred from being victimized by violent crime. Funds available for eligible expenses including funeral and burial, lost wages, tuition loss, relocation, counseling and transportation, medical expenses including hospital and dental.


Monday to Friday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Intake Process:

(1) Download application and instructions from website, complete and return to address provided, OR
(2) Complete and submit online application from the website
(3) Send copies of all relevant documents requested
(4) If initial application is approved, applicant will get additional forms sent to them to be completed and returned within 30 days

Program Fees:

No fees


Spanish, English, Polish


Applicants must be:

(1) Victim of a violent crime at least 18 years of age, OR
(2) Parent of legal guardian of a violent crime victim under 18 years of age or legally disabled, OR
(3) Relative of the victim if the victim is deceased

Victim of a violent crime is:

(1) Person killed or injured in Illinois
(2) Parent, spouse or child of a person killed or injured in Illinois
(3) Person killed or injured while trying to help a victim
(4) Person who is a witness to the violent crime
(5) Person called as a witness by the prosecution
(6) Resident of Illinois injured in a county without a victim compensation program

Handicap Accessible?


Is Shelter?


Date of Official Change:

August 28, 2023

Address Listings

Physical (Primary)

100 West Randolph Street
13th Floor
Chicago, IL 60601


General Email

Phone Numbers

Crime Victim Assistance Line

(800) 228-3368


(312) 814-4231


(312) 814-2581


(877) 398-1130

Legal Status:

Government - State


Provides financial support to those who have been a victim or witness to a violent crime.


Operating remotely until further notice.


Monday to Friday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Required Documents

Completed application that can be found online, http://www.illinoisattorneygeneral.gov/victims/cvc.html; Police report; Police report number; Additional documentation that pertaining to the case (i.e. plenary order of protection, medical bills, civil no-contact order, etc.)


Individuals who can fill out the application: Be a victim of a crime that happened in Illinois OR An Illinois resident injured in a country without a compensation program OR Victim's parent or spouse OR Survivor of a victim who incurred funeral expenses OR Parent/legal guardian of the victim may apply on behalf of a minor child OR Personal witness to a crime. To receive compensation, you (or your family member) must: Be a victim of a crime that happened in Illinois; Report the crime or file an Order of Protection; Cooperate with the police, courts and the Crime Victims Compensation Program; File the claim within 2 years of the crime; Not be involved in illegal activity that caused the crime to happen; There are exceptions to the above requirements (especially if the victim is younger than 18 years old).


No Fees

Intake Procedure

(1) Download application and instructions from website, complete and return to address provided, OR (2) Complete and submit online application from the website. (3) Send copies of all relevant documents requested. (4) If initial application is approved, applicant will get additional forms sent to them to be completed and returned within 30 days


Spanish, English, Polish

Geography Served

    If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.

  • Illinois


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