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Full Resource Name:
Achieving Independence and Mobility Center for Independent Living
3130 Finley Road
Suite 500
Downers Grove, IL 60515
(630) 469-2300
AIM CIL, AIM-CIL, DuPage Center for Independent Living, DCIL
Provides services to those with disabilities who need assistance with advocacy, development of independent living skills, and provides information and referral to community resources.
Monday to Friday, 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Handicap Accessible?
Is Shelter?
Date of Official Change:
July 10, 2024
Address Listings
Physical (Primary)
3130 Finley Road
Suite 500
Downers Grove, IL 60515
General Email
Leigh Ann Stephens
Phone Numbers
(630) 469-2300
(630) 469-2606
(630) 496-2606
Video Relay
(630) 984-4251
Legal Status:
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Offers assistance to the disable to effectively control and direct their lives through training, community development, fully participate in family and a social life.
Monday to Friday, 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Required Documents
Confirm over the phone with staff
Disabled persons and their families
No fees
Intake Procedure
(1) Call to set up an appointment, OR (2) Fill out the online contact form, and a staff member will call back to conduct an initial interview:, (3) Once the appropriate program(s) has been identified, all program requirements, including required documentation (if any), will be discussed.
Geography Served
If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.
Telephone Numbers
Free health insurance counseling for Medicare beneficiaries by certified SHIP counselors
Monday to Friday, 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Required Documents
May include, but not limited to: (1) Valid photo ID, (2) Proof of residence
(1) An individual aged 65 years or older and eligible for benefits under Social Security or the Railroad Retirement System, or a federal, state or local government employee insured on his/her own record or that of a spouse, (2) An individual who has been receiving disability benefits under Social Security or the Railroad Retirement System for 24 months or more, (3) Persons of any age who are receiving regular dialysis or have received a kidney transplant due to kidney failure, (4) Persons of any age who have been diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrigâs Disease, (5) Person 65 or over who is not eligible for Social Security benefits may purchase Medicare coverage
No fees
Intake Procedure
(1) Call to set up an appointment or, (2) Fill out the online contact form, and a staff member will call back to conduct an initial interview:, (3) Once the appropriate program(s) has been identified, all program requirements, including required documentation (if any), will be discussed with a staff member
Service Area
DuPage, Kane, and Kendall
Geography Served
If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.
Telephone Numbers
Staff provide information on and referrals to services related to disabilities and independent living skills. Relevant printed materials and videotapes can also be borrowed from library at this location.
Monday to Friday, 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Required Documents
Confirm with staff over the phone
Disabled persons and their families
No fees
Intake Procedure
(1) Call to set up an appointment, OR (2) Fill out the online contact form, and a staff member will call back to conduct an initial interview:, (3) Once the appropriate program(s) has been identified, all program requirements, including required documentation (if any), will be discussed.
Geography Served
If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.
Telephone Numbers