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Thai Restaurants

Taxonomy Code: PL-1800.8800

Eating establishments that offer the cuisine of Thailand which features seafood, meats of all kinds, coconut, peanuts, young plant shoots, green vegetables and a wide variety of fruits, some of which are very exotic. Specialties may include hot and sour soups, satays made with a variety of meats (beef, chicken and pork), Thai eggrolls, stuffed chicken wings, mee krob (sweet fried noodles with chunks of shrimp, beef, pork and bean curd), phlah goong (shrimp with lime and chile), stuffed chicken wings, nam sod (ground pork with red onion, ginger and peanuts in lime juice), ka-prow (beef or chicken with basil), panang (beef curry), mussamun curry (beef or chicken with coconut cream, peanuts and curry paste), barbecued chicken in a honey sauce, rice and noodle dishes such as paht Thai and lad nar, and a wide variety of fresh fish dishes. Nam prik (a spicy sauce made with chilies, fish paste and garlic) is a popular condiment. Meals are often served with very sweet Thai iced tea or Thai beer (Amarit and Singha) and coconut ice cream is a favorite dessert.

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