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Note: You may only specificy one type of location (zipcode OR city OR county OR state), not a combination.

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  • You may list the search results by location if you provide a five-digit ZIP code.


If you specify an area served the provider only needs to offer service in that area to appear as a search result. The provider is not required to be physically located in the area specified. For example, a suicide hotline will be physically located in a single building but can serve multiple areas.

Note: You may only specificy one type of location (zipcode OR city OR county OR state), not a combination.

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Note: If you receive too few search results consider running a broader search. Other service providers still might be able to help even though they do not especially serve a specific group.

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Note: If you combine taxonomy codes with keywords a provider will only turn up in search results if it contains both.

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List by location: This button orders the search results by their ZIP codes, from near to far. You may also reverse the order (far to near) by clicking the button twice.

Emmaus Ministries

Organization running a drop-in center for male survivors of the sex trade and/or sex trafficking.

Services: Clothing, Faith Based Counseling, Job Finding Assistance, Laundry Facilities, Meals, Public Showers/Baths

954 West Washington Boulevard

Chicago, IL 60607

(773) 334-6063

Fox Valley Institute

Traditional and innovative methods of therapies for individuals, children, adolescents, couples, and veterans.

Services: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, General Counseling Services, Psychological Assessment

640 North River Road

Suite 108

Naperville, IL 60563

(630) 718-0717 x240

Geode Health - Aurora

Psychiatric services for a variety of mental health conditions and substance use disorders such as depression, anxiety, trauma, ADHD, addictions and eating disorders.

Services: Adult Psychiatry, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Group Counseling, Medication Assisted Maintenance Treatment for Substance Use Disorders, Psychiatric Medication Services, Specialized Counseling Services

98 Miller Drive

Suite 103

North Aurora, IL 60542

Geode Health - Elmhurst

Psychiatric services for a variety of mental health conditions and substance use disorders such as depression, anxiety, trauma, ADHD, addictions and eating disorders.

Services: Adult Psychiatry, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Medication Assisted Maintenance Treatment for Substance Use Disorders, Psychiatric Medication Services, Specialized Counseling Services

188 Industrial Drive

Suite 236

Elmhurst, IL 60126

(866) 616-3272

Geode Health - Westmont

Psychiatric services for a variety of mental health conditions and substance use disorders such as depression, anxiety, trauma, ADHD, addictions and eating disorders.

Services: Adult Psychiatry, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Group Counseling, Medication Assisted Maintenance Treatment for Substance Use Disorders, Psychiatric Medication Services, Specialized Counseling Services

6319 South Fairview Avenue

Suite 102

Westmont, IL 60559

(866) 616-3272

Geode Health - Wheaton

Psychiatric services for a variety of mental health conditions and substance use disorders such as depression, anxiety, trauma, ADHD, addictions and eating disorders.

Services: Adult Psychiatry, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Group Counseling, Medication Assisted Maintenance Treatment for Substance Use Disorders, Psychiatric Medication Services, Specialized Counseling Services

311 South County Farm Road

Suite A

Wheaton, IL 60187

(630) 381-0757

The Salvation Army - Oakbrook Terrace Corps

Provides food, clothing, and limited financial assistance towards housing/lodging, utilities, and other essential items.

Services: Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites, Electric Service Payment Assistance, English as a Second Language, Faith Based Counseling, Food Pantries, Gas Service Payment Assistance, Prescription Expense Assistance, Rent Payment Assistance, Summer Camps, Water Service Payment Assistance

1 South 415 Summit Avenue

Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181

(630) 629-4948

Viewing 1-7 of 7 results (listed by best match)
