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If you specify an area served the provider only needs to offer service in that area to appear as a search result. The provider is not required to be physically located in the area specified. For example, a suicide hotline will be physically located in a single building but can serve multiple areas.

Note: You may only specificy one type of location (zipcode OR city OR county OR state), not a combination.

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Note: If you receive too few search results consider running a broader search. Other service providers still might be able to help even though they do not especially serve a specific group.

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Note: If you combine taxonomy codes with keywords a provider will only turn up in search results if it contains both.

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360 Youth Services

Administrative record for programs that provide prevention education, counseling and shelter programs to youth and young adults.

Services: Adolescent/Youth Counseling, Juvenile Delinquency Diversion Counseling, LGBTQ2+ Helplines, Parent Counseling, Runaway/Homeless Youth Counseling, Substance Use Disorder Education/Prevention

1323 Bond Street

Suite 119

Naperville, IL 60563

(630) 717-9408 x1

ACCESS Martin T. Russo Family Health Center

Community health center providing affordable healthcare services for those with and without insurance.

Services: Cancer Detection, Clinical Pregnancy Tests, Community Clinics, Counseling Services, COVID-19 Diagnostic Tests, COVID-19 Immunization Clinics, Obstetrics/Gynecology, Opioid Detoxification, Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening, Sexually Transmitted Infection Treatment

245 South Gary Avenue

Lower Level

Bloomingdale, IL 60108

(630) 893-5230

ACCESS West Chicago Family Health Center

Provides affordable health care services, for those with and without insurance, including Pediatrics, Title Ten Family Planning,- Obstetrics and Gynecology, Behavioral Health and Family Medicine.

Services: Community Clinics, Community Mental Health Agencies, COVID-19 Diagnostic Tests, COVID-19 Immunization Clinics, Family Planning, Opioid Detoxification, Pediatrics, Telemedicine

245 West Roosevelt Road

Building 14, Suite 150

West Chicago, IL 60185

(630) 293-4124

Al-Anon Family Groups

Community resource for individuals whose life is or has been affected by a problem drinker.

Services: Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention, Alcohol Use Disorder Support Groups

1600 Corporate Landing Parkway

Virginia Beach, VA 23454

(888) 425-2666

A Safe Haven

Provides transitional and supportive housing, drug and alcohol treatment in both an individual and group setting, GED, financial, and computer literacy programs, mental health therapy, and job readiness programming.

Services: Employment Preparation, General Counseling Services, Substance Use Disorder Treatment Programs, Supportive Housing, Transitional Housing/Shelter

2750 West Roosevelt Road

Chicago, IL 60608

(773) 435-8300

Ascension Alexian Brothers Behavioral Health Hospital - Hoffman Estates

Catholic Hospital that provides inpatient and outpatient mental health services for children, adolescents, and adults.

Services: Adolescent/Youth Counseling, Mental Health Care Facilities, Substance Use Disorder Treatment Programs

1650 Moon Lake Boulevard

Unit 104, Building 7

Hoffman Estates, IL 60169

(800) 432-5005

Behavioral Services Center

Provides anger management, domestic violence, parenting and DUI education classes, outpatient and intensive outpatient substance abuse treatment, outpatient counseling, medication management services and adolescent mental health and dual diagnoses outpatient and intensive outpatient treatment.

Services: Anger Management, Group Counseling, Individual Counseling, Opioid Detoxification, Psychiatric Day Treatment, Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counseling, Substance Use Disorder Treatment Programs

8707 Skokie Boulevard

Suite 207

Skokie, IL 60077

(847) 673-8577

Endeavor Health Center - Naperville Behavioral Health

Provides outpatient mental health services for children, adolescents and adults.

Services: Adolescent/Youth Counseling, Autism Therapy, Buprenorphine Based MAT Programs, Detoxification, Mental Health Screening, Outpatient Mental Health Facilities, Psychiatric Medication Monitoring

1335 North Mill Street

Suite 200

Naperville, IL 60563

(847) 432-5464

Endeavor Health Center - Plainfield Behavioral Health

Outpatient mental health services for children, adolescents and adults.

Services: Adolescent/Youth Counseling, Buprenorphine Based MAT Programs, Detoxification, Mental Health Screening, Outpatient Mental Health Facilities, Psychiatric Medication Monitoring, Specialized Counseling Services

24600 West 127th Street

Plainfield, IL 60585

(847) 432-5464

Endeavor Health Linden Oaks Hospital

Inpatient and outpatient mental health services for children, adolescents and adults, including programs focusing on depression, substance use, and eating disorders.

Services: Adolescent/Youth Counseling, Buprenorphine Based MAT Programs, Counseling Services, Detoxification, Eating Disorders Treatment, Inpatient Mental Health Facilities, Mental Health Screening

852 South West Street

Naperville, IL 60540

(847) 432-5464

Viewing 1-10 of 43 results (listed by best match)
