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Veteran Life Insurance
Taxonomy Code: NS-4500.9000
A post-separation insurance program administered by the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs that allows service members to convert their Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance (SGLI) coverage to renewable term insurance, Veterans' Group Life Insurance (VGLI). Members with full-time SGLI coverage are eligible for VGLI upon release from service and have one year and 120 days from the time of discharge to file their application. VGLI coverage is issued in multiples of $10,000 up to a maximum of $400,000. However, a service member's VGLI coverage amount cannot exceed the amount of SGLI they had in force at the time of separation from service. VGLI premiums are based upon the separating member's age. VA also manages life insurance programs for veterans of World War I, World War II and the Korean Conflict and for service disabled veterans of the Vietnam Conflict; and provides mortgage protection life insurance under a group policy for those disabled veterans who are given a VA grant to secure specially adapted housing.
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