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American Red Cross - Sound the Alarm


430 18th Street, NW
American Red Cross National Headquarters
Washington, DC 20006

(800) 733-2767



Installs free smoke alarms for those who cannot afford to purchase smoke alarms or for those who are physically unable to install a smoke alarm.


National Headquarters: Monday to Friday, 8:00 am - 5:00pm (EST)

Handicap Accessible?


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Date of Official Change:

October 5, 2023

Address Listings

Mailing (Primary)

430 18th Street, NW
American Red Cross National Headquarters
Washington, DC 20006


2200 W. Harrison Street
Rauner Center
Chicago, IL 60612


Phone Numbers


(800) 733-2767

Greater Chicago Chapter (Illinois Regional Headquarters)

(312) 729-6100

Illinois River Valley Chapter

(630) 378-0344

Legal Status:



Installs free smoke alarms for those who cannot afford to purchase smoke alarms or for those who are physically unable to install a smoke alarm.


National Headquarters: Monday to Friday, 8:00 am - 5:00pm (EST) Installation times vary

Required Documents

May include: Fire Safety Education Request online form


Individuals who cannot afford to purchase a smoke alarm OR; Individuals who are physically unable to install a smoke alarm


No Fees

Intake Procedure

(1) Visit website at www.redcross.org/sound-the-alarm.html#request-a-free-smoke-alarm (2) Contact your local Red Cross by phone OR (3) Visit website for your local Red Cross. In the "Our Work" section, look for information about the Home Fire Campaign or a Home Fire Safety Visit (4) Submit online form Home Fire Safety Education Request - Illinois at https://americanredcross.wufoo.com/forms/z12lr8ga1hn0zpt/

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