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Senior Programs

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Humanitarian Service Project

Nonprofit organization that serves low-income families and seniors by providing them with emergency food assistance, free school supplies, birthday programs, Christmas baskets, and holidays gifts/toys to kids and seniors residing in DuPage or Kane County.

Services: Birthday Programs, Christmas Baskets, Free School Supplies, Holiday Gifts/Toys, Ongoing Emergency Food Assistance, Personal/Grooming Supplies

465 Randy Road

Carol Stream, IL 60188

(630) 221-8340

Milton Township

Branch of local government providing assistance to residents of Milton Township.

Services: Extreme Cold Warming Centers, Extreme Heat Cooling Centers, Food Pantries, Medical Equipment/Supplies, Motor Vehicle Registration, Notary Public Services, Paratransit Programs, Temporary Financial Assistance, Utility Service Payment Assistance

1492 North Main Street

Wheaton, IL 60187

(630) 668-1616


Provides therapeutic, vocational and residential services for seniors, adults and families with children who are diagnosed with developmental disabilities.

Services: Comprehensive Disability Related Employment Programs, Early Intervention for Children With Disabilities/Delays, In Home Developmental Disabilities Habilitation Programs, Respite Care, Specialized Information and Referral

1835 West Central Road

Arlington Heights, IL 60005

(847) 870-7711

HOME DuPage, Inc.

Provides education and counseling on home buying, reverse mortgages, mortgage default, and personal finances.

Services: Financial Literacy Training, Foreclosure Prevention Loan Modification/Refinancing Programs, HUD Approved Counseling Agencies, Personal Financial Counseling

1600 East Roosevelt Road

Wheaton, IL 60187

(630) 260-2500

Winfield Township

Local unit of government providing services to residents.

Services: Extreme Cold Warming Centers, Extreme Heat Cooling Centers, General Relief, Paratransit Programs, Utility Service Payment Assistance

130 Arbor Avenue

West Chicago, IL 60185

(630) 231-3591

OCM-Outreach Carol Stream

Provides after-school and summer youth programs for 1st-12th grades, including college preparation, mentoring and tutoring.

Services: Benefits and Services Assistance, Emergency Food, Extreme Cold Warming Centers, Rental Deposit Assistance, Rent Payment Assistance, Tutoring Services, Utility Service Payment Assistance, Youth Development

345 South President

Carol Stream, IL 60188

(630) 260-7600

Eldercare Locator

National Information & Referral Service which provides over-the-phone and online assistance directing seniors and their caregivers to transportation, home and community-based services, housing and health insurance information.

Services: Specialized Information and Referral

330 C Street Southwest

Washington, DC 20201

(800) 677-1116

Eye Care America

Provides eye care to medically underserved seniors and those who are at increased risk for eye disease often at no out-of-pocket cost.

Services: Eye Care, Glaucoma Screening

655 Beach Street

San Francisco, CA 94109

(877) 887-6327

Leyden Family Service & Mental Health Center

Provides a range of counseling, treatment and preventative care services for adults, adolescents, senior citizens, children and families.

Services: Adult Psychiatry, Crisis Intervention Hotlines/Helplines, Specialized Counseling Services, Transitional Residential Substance Use Disorder Services

10001 West Grand Avenue

Franklin Park, IL 60131

(847) 451-0330

Xilin Association - Asian Community Center, Naperville

Offers an Adult Day Care program and In-Home Services for seniors, as well as youth development through its after-school and summer programs.

Services: Adult Day Programs, In Home Assistance, Youth Development

1163 East Ogden Avenue

Suite 610

Naperville, IL 60563

(630) 355-4322

Viewing 31-40 of 73 results (listed by best match)
