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Universal Precautions Programs
Taxonomy Code: JP-1500.1700-850
Programs that develop and implement comprehensive plans which seek to prevent occupational exposure to infectious diseases such as AIDS/HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C, or bacteria, fungi and other bloodborne microorganisms through a combination of engineering and work practice controls, personal protective clothing and equipment, training, medical surveillance, hepatitis B vaccination, signs and labels, and other provisions. Exposure occurs most frequently when nurses, laboratory technicians, physicians, dental personnel, veterinary staff and other health care workers come into contact with an infected patient’s blood (or other potentially infectious bodily fluids) through needlestick injuries or cuts from other sharp instruments that can penetrate the skin including scalpels, scissors, broken glass, broken capillary tubes and exposed ends of dental wires. Exposure may also occur through human bites or contact of the eyes, nose, mouth or skin with a patient's blood. Included are programs that deal generally with occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens and more targeted needlestick injury prevention programs for health care professionals that focus on the proper use, assembly, disassembly and disposal of needles and other "sharps". Also included are community level programs that seek to raise awareness about needle safety; reduce the number of discarded needles on local streets; prevent or reduce the risk of injury to the public, especially children, who find discarded needles in back alleys, playgrounds and dumpsters; and provide options for safe disposal of needles where the need exists.
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