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Bird Watching Societies
Taxonomy Code: PS-8200.9500-100
Programs that provide organized opportunities for individuals of all ages to pursue their interest in birds, often through the medium of a club or society that is under the leadership of people who are knowledgeable in the subject. Bird watching societies help members develop birding skills through meetings, workshops, publications and guided involvement in birding; develop and disseminate information that birders of all skill levels can use to locate birding sites and/or identify specific species of birds and their songs in the field or their own back yards; sponsor field trips and bird watching tours; operate a hotline and/or phone tree to alert people to bird sightings of unusual interest; offer mechanisms for the exchange of birding equipment; sponsor programs for young birders; provide scholarships for youngsters to attend bird-related camps; and provide opportunities for people to become involved in conservation activities with the objective of protecting birds and their habitats.
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