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Gambling Related Telemedicine Services

Taxonomy Code: RF-8385.2500

Programs that use video conferencing or other telecommunication options (telephone-based care, web-based screening, web-based treatment, smartphone mobile applications) that allow real time communication between individuals who are having difficulty controlling their compulsion to gamble and a clinician at a distant site. Use of telemedicine increases the reach and access to treatments, and eliminates the need for an individual living in a rural area or another city to drive long distances to see their counselor. The chronic nature of addiction disorders calls for clinicians to stay connected with patients over extended periods of time. Face-to-face contacts between patients and clinicians are limited to scheduled appointments or group sessions. But counselors are often unavailable when they are most needed: outside the treatment setting, where patients make decisions about whether to go to the casino or dial up their favorite Internet gambling site. Patients in recovery can also access recovery supports where they can interact with a counselor or recovery support peer.

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