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Service Tree

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Substance Use Disorder Related Telemedicine Services

Taxonomy Code: RF-8385.8000

Programs that use video conferencing or other telecommunication options (telephone-based care, web-based screening, web-based treatment, smartphone mobile applications) that allow real time communication between a patient with a substance use disorder and a clinician at a distant site. Use of telemedicine increases the reach and access to treatments, and eliminates the need for the individual living in a rural area or another city to drive long distances to see their counselor as well as the perceived stigma of being identified as the patient of a specialty addiction treatment provider. Connections can be made 24/7 depending on the flexibility of the clinician's hours; and patients can be placed in contact with hard-to-reach medical specialists, such as an adolescent psychiatrist or a physician who can prescribe buprenorphin. Patients in recovery can also access recovery supports where they can interact with a counselor or recovery support peer.

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