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Service Tree

The Service Tree lists all services in "branched" groups, starting with the very general and moving to the very specific. Click on the name of any group name to see the sub-groups available within it. Click on a service code to see its details and the providers who offer that service.

Bicycle Museums

Taxonomy Code: TA-5500.9000-100

Institutions that acquire, preserve, research and exhibit permanent and/or traveling collections of bicycles and associated accessories representative of different eras including antique bicycles from the 1800's, turn-of-the-century high wheelers, balloon tired white walls of the 1950's, ape hanger muscle bikes of the 1970's and high powered mountain bikes of today; military bicycles; bicycles produced by a particular manufacturer; materials documenting the role of the bicycle in the social and industrial life of a particular community or region; bicycle history films and videos; and photographs, memorabilia or other materials related to bicycles or cycling as a mode of transportation.

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Bike Trails (PL-6400.8500-090)

Bicycle Tours (PL-7600.1000)

Bicycle Theft Reporting (FN-1700.1050)

Bicycle Theft Prevention (FN-1500.0700)

Bicycle Recycling (TE-8920.6600-105)

Bicycle Donation Programs (TI-1800.9000-080)

Adapted Cycling Equipment (LH-0600.7000-040)
