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Service Tree

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Earthquake Preparedness Information

Taxonomy Code: TH-1700.1800-180

Programs that increase public awareness of the measures that people can take before, during and after a major earthquake to protect lives and property and increase their chances for survival until help arrives. Included are programs that inspect the homes of individual residents and give them a report which recommends ways to enhance their safety and reduce the risk of property damage or loss, as well as those that deal with earthquake safety in a more general way. Also included are programs that provide fact sheets, maps, information about seismic hazard zones (areas adjacent to active faults which may be subject to rupture, severe ground shaking, liquefaction or landslides in the event of an earthquake on the fault) and other types of technical information related to earthquakes that individuals and communities can review and evaluate to see if their area is at risk. An earthquake is the sudden motion or trembling of the ground produced by abrupt displacement of rock masses, usually within the upper 10 to 20 miles of the Earth.

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