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Wet Nose Pet Food Pantry


604 Illinois Street
Lemont, IL 60439

(708) 480-2548



Distributes pet food to homeless or at-risk pet owners, on a first-come first-serve basis.


By appointment only



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Date of Official Change:

August 14, 2024

Address Listings

Mailing (Primary)

604 Illinois Street
Lemont, IL 60439


Kate Quinn

Primary Contact

Executive Director


Phone Numbers


(708) 480-2548

Legal Status:



Distributes pet food to homeless or at-risk pet owners, on a first-come first-serve basis one time per month.


By appointment only

Required Documents

Completed application available online; Photo ID with current address on it (must be brought every time you visit); At least 1 current proof of need (SS letter, unemployment, referral letter, Medicaid card): a. LINK card not acceptable, b. Will also assist people experiencing temporary hardships with proper documentation (major pet or human illness, household disasters, etc.); Verification that your pets have been spayed or neutered


Be the owner of the animal(s) and over 18 years old; Provide photo ID with current address on it (must be brought every time you visit) Provide at least 1 current proof of need (SS letter, unemployment, referral letter, Medicaid card; LINK card not acceptable) or proof of temporary hardships with proper documentation (major pet or human illness, household disasters, etc.); Provide verification that your pets have been spayed or neutered; Agree that you are not breeding your animals nor profiting off of them in any way; Agree to not add any animals to your household while you are receiving assistance; Understand that special requests are considered for certain brands, formulas, or flavors of food (senior, large, breed, etc.) but only what is available will be given at the time of request; Agree not to hold the Wet Nose Pet Food Pantry, its volunteers, and benefactors legally liable in the unfortunate event your pet(s) become ill or the food upsets their stomachs; Be willing to come to the pickup location to receive the pet food/supplies. Wet Nose Pet Food Pantry cannot give someone else pet food for you and cannot deliver the food. Help is only available once a month; Understand that the Wet Nose Pet Food Pantry reserves the right to deny or terminate assistance at our discretion


No Fees

Intake Procedure

(1) Complete application (available online) (2) Scan completed application and submit via email (3) Once accepted into the program, call or email to set up an appointment for food pickup (4) Food assistance is available once a month and you will be notified of the pickup location in downtown Lemont during appointment



Geography Served

    If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.

  • Illinois
    • Dupage County


    Kate Quinn
    Executive Director

    Telephone Numbers

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