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Business Opportunity/Employment Scam Reporting
Taxonomy Code: FN-1700.1470-140
Programs that provide a hotline, website or other mechanisms that people can use to report fraud involving false offers of employment or business opportunities from scammers who use ruses to trick job seekers into handing over their personal information and, in some cases, their money. Schemes may involve requiring an upfront payment in the form of cash, gift cards, or other investment with a false promise of reimbursement to secure a job opportunity, to pay for services such as resume reformatting, or to purchase items such as workplace supplies and products for online review. Other bogus business opportunities include solicitations from scammers impersonating legitimate companies to collect sensitive personal information such as social security and banking information; remote work-at-home businesses like data entry and stuffing envelopes, franchise purchases, internet start-ups, multi-level marketing plans that turn out to be pyramid schemes, unhelpful investment and business opportunity seminars, and other offers that sound (and are) too good to be true. To avoid being caught in a scam, people can verify the job opening through the organization's or company's website; call the company and ask to speak to someone about the details of the position; or look up the company with words such as "scam", or "complaint". Victims of these scams should file their report with the Federal Trade Commission at and visit for advice if their personal information was compromised. Individuals are advised to report to the U.S. Postal Inspection Service if the scam involved mail fraud such as receipt of an invalid check.
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