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Service Tree

The Service Tree lists all services in "branched" groups, starting with the very general and moving to the very specific. Click on the name of any group name to see the sub-groups available within it. Click on a service code to see its details and the providers who offer that service.


Programs that seek to meet the basic nutritional needs of the community by providing access to food products.


Programs that seek to meet the basic shelter needs of the community by providing temporary shelter for people who are in emergency situations, home improvement programs, housing location assistance and a variety of housing alternatives.

Material Goods

Programs that pay for, provide and/or repair basic household, work-related and personal necessities for people who need them. Also included are organizations that provide office equipment and supplies for individuals and businesses, operate lost and found services where people can retrieve lost possessions or make commodities broadly available to the community at large.


Programs that provide for the basic transportation needs of the community including the local and long-distance conveyance of people and goods, and special arrangements for older adults, people with disabilities and other community residents who have no personal transportation and are unable to utilize public transportation. Also included are programs that provide information, emergency assistance and other supportive services to meet the needs of tourists, travelers and other visitors.


Organizations that provide electric, natural gas, home heating fuel, telephone, water, sewer or cable services for residential and business consumers; manage the connection and repair of utility services; and/or offer financial assistance or other forms of support for people who are at risk of having their utilities shut off.
